iOS App

Kidnap Detector/誘拐レスキュー


When the thought “my loved one might have been kidnapped” crosses your mind,

an AI app will automatically detect and alert you the possibilities of kidnapping.

I made this app strongly feeling that I would do whet ever it takes to rescue my daughter if she were ever to be kidnapped and kept hostage. In such cases where someone suspicious drives away with a child in a car, this app emails the parents the location of the child.

In addition to AI kidnapping detection, this app is also equipped with other crime preventing functions and we will continue to actively add functions that are easy to use.






Recommended users/おすすめユーザー

  • 高校生ぐらいまでのお子様がいらっしゃるママパパ。
  • 共働きで、何かあってもすぐに子供の元へ行くことができないママパパ。
  • 自分の子供が可愛くて仕方ないママパパ。
  • 大好きな彼氏に自分の身を守ってもらいたい女性。
  • 大切な人を守りたい方。
  • Parents who have children up to the age of high school.
  • Parents who could not immediately take action to get to their children due to work or other physical reasons.
  • Parents who love their children so much.
  • Those who want to be protected by their significant other.
  • Those who want to protect their loved ones.

An example situation/利用シーンの例






For instance, a working couple have elementary, middle, high school aged children who walk or bike to school. If the children move at a speed so fast that is not normal, the kidnapping detector will turn on and email the parents the location of those suspected to be captive.

Designed for small children to operate the app with no difficulty, it also has functions for the user to email their current location with one-tap and to make emergency calls. The email enables the parents to take prompt action as it informs the location of those who are in danger. The app is active when it is launched on an iPhone. Even children before schooling could carry it around in their backpack.

What functions does it have?/どんな機能があるの?

AI kidnapping detection/AI拉致検知機能!

The app will email you the current location of the suspected captive when the app detects high-speed movement (approximately 40km/hr or more).

When moving at high-speed, the app will continuously inform the location every tens of minutes, which enables tracking long distances.



One-tap location emailing/ワンタップ現在地メール通知機能!

By tapping the email icon, the user could email where the user is, letting the receivers know the latest location.

This works in situations when the user is kept captive with an iPhone where the user could inform the location with one-tap.



Emergency calling registered phone numbers/登録電話番号通話発信機能!

By registering phone numbers in advance, the user can make emergency calls.

They could call out for help without looking up numbers from the address book.



Photo attachment on email/写真添付現在地メール通知機能!

When the user is at a state of being able to take pictures of information such as the kidnapper’s face and/or the surroundings, the app allows the user to attach pictures with the location information and email them together. The receiver could obtain locational and visual information, both at the same time.

NOTE: Usually iPhone cameras make a shutter sound.



One-tap alert noise/ワンタップ警告音機能

By one-tap, the app makes noise that alerts danger to the surroundings. It even works to threat anyone suspicious near the user. Using it in maximum volume is suggested.

NOTE: This function in ineffective when the iPhone is in silent mode.



One-tap security light/ワンタップ防犯ライト機能

By one-tap, the app’s light turns on and could be used as a safety measure in the dark.

Other functions activate as well while having the iPhone lit.




How to use/使い方

The kidnapping detector automatically sends emails to the registered email addresses when moving at high-speed. (The same applies to the one-tap location emailing function.)

Install the app on the iPhone of the person you want to protect, and register the username, your email address and telephone number in the app. Turn on maps (GPS) service on your iPhone on to let the GPS detect the user at all times. (When using the app for the first time, a background authorization confirmation screen will pop-up at the beginning and end as an initial installation.)

Please note that Internet connection is required while sending mail.

Devices: iPhones from iPhone7, from iOS13





対応デバイス:iPhone7以上 iOS13以上

About the fee/利用料について

Monthly fee will be charged for using the AI kidnapping detection.

By purchasing our app, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms on “disclaimer” and “Privacy Policy.”

This translation is intended for reference only. The conditions of the disclaimer and the Privacy Policy are laid out in a Japanese version.



  1. iOS App


  2. Kidnap Detector/誘拐レスキュー